Use a Gratitude Journal to Practice Mindfulness

Use a Gratitude Journal to Practice Mindfulness

Often times, one feeling can promote another. During our 30-Day Challenge, we’re seeking ways to create calm in our lives. Today, I’d like to introduce you to the importance of gratitude. Feeling grateful for what you have in your life can lead to a...
Is a Cluttered Desk Stressing You Out?

Is a Cluttered Desk Stressing You Out?

Some people feel that a little messiness can inspire creativity. This may be true, but where’s the line between messy and chaotic? It can be hard to tell. If your desk at work or in your home office is covered in papers and your file folders are strewn...
Is a Cluttered Desk Stressing You Out?

How Well Do You Really Know Your Ideal Client?

We’ve all done the exercise. It’s the first thing you’re taught when you first start your business: Create an ideal client avatar.  This vision of your ideal client guides everything you do, including pricing (you can’t charge that single mom as much as you can the...