Our latest thinking on Marketing, Productivity, and Motivation. Vital topics to help build the best version of yourself while building the best version of your dream business.
Supercharge Your Smart Marketing Habits by Stacking Them
When you stack the smart marketing habits together, you’ll increase your results exponentially. For example, each marketing task doesn’t really live on an island alone, it works in conjunction with another marketing task. Let’s look at how all this works together:...
Using the 80-20 Rule
As you check up and analyze your marketing efforts, one thing to keep in mind is whether the effort is worth it or not. If you’re spending 1000 dollars and 12 hours creating a marketing campaign on Facebook and the ROI is not as high as you would have liked, should...
Review Your Marketing Habits and Routines and Adjust as Needed
Periodically you want to check up on yourself to ensure that you are following the right marketing habits and have created the right routines, processes, and systems that build your business. By reviewing your marketing habits and routines, you can adjust as needed....
Get in the Habit of Exploring New Marketing Channels Regularly
As you build your business and grow your income, you will also want to keep your toes wet exploring new marketing channels regularly. You never know when Facebook or Twitter will completely change and become unusable to you. Keeping your toes in other marketing...
Why Outsourcing Certain Marketing Tasks Can Be to Your Advantage
No CEO or CFO does all the work in the business. For some reason, people who start a home business often seem to think they have to do everything. Sometimes it’s a control issue, but sometimes it’s just not realizing how advantageous outsourcing can be for your...
Create Evergreen Pieces of Marketing to Create Leverage
Evergreen content is content that will last a long time and keeps working for you for a long time. In some niches, a long time is a few months, and in others, it’s literally forever. Evergreen content needs to be relevant, interesting to the audience, and something...
The Importance of Documenting Your Smart Marketing Habits
There is no way to know what is working or not working without measuring, tracking, and documenting the results. Thankfully, today, it’s not that hard to do with the technology available to you for measuring and tracking. But, documenting also helps if you ever want...
Combining Smart Marketing Habits into a Solid Launch Routine
Developing smart marketing habits is also going to help you with every launch you have. If you’re not sure, a launch refers to the first time you open your newest product for sale. It’s often referred to as a product launch. In many ways, the entire launch process is...
Never Stop Learning and Trying New Ideas
With everything that you do, you may think it’s nuts to spend time learning, but if you want to be successful, it’s imperative that you never stop learning and trying new ideas in your business. The trick is not to get sidetracked with your learning but to plan what...
Embracing Multimedia in Your Marketing Efforts
If you bring up multimedia to certain people, they get very nervous about it. However, the facts speak for themselves. Audio and video are more likely to be shared than text-based content. Because of this fact, it’s imperative that you find a way to embrace video and...
Marketing Habits to Ensure Your Content is Seen
It would be nice if you really could just write, record, publish, and start making money. But there is one step missing, and that is the promotion and marketing step. When you think of promoting, you probably are thinking of promoting a product that costs money, but...
Let’s Talk About Acquiring New Customers and Marketing to Existing Ones
We’ve discussed previously that selling to an existing customer is a lot easier and less expensive than acquiring a new customer. While you do want to keep adding new customers to your customer list, understanding the costs will make you realize that you must also...